Brass, Brazen - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Brass, Brazen
[ 1,,G5475, chalkos ]primarily, copper," became used for metals in general, later was applied to bronze, a mixture of copper and tin, then, by metonymy, to any article made of these metals, e.g., money, Matthew 10:9; Mark 6:8; Mark 12:41, or a sounding instrument, 1 Corinthians 13:1, figurative of a person destitute of love. See Revelation 18:12. See MONEY.
[ 2,,G5470, chalkeos ]
"made of brass or bronze," is used of idols, Revelation 9:20.
[ 3,,G5473, chalkion ]
is used in Mark 7:4 of "brazen vessels."
[ 4,,G5474, chalkolibanon ]
is used of "white or shining copper or bronze," and describes the feet of the Lord, in Revelation 1:15; Revelation 2:18.
[ 5,,G5471, chalkeus ]
denotes "a coppersmith," 2 Timothy 4:14.